- Pol Cousineau,
Marketer, Agency Owner
Host '"Conscious Millionaire Show", Worlds # 1 Conscious Entrepreneur Podcast, heard by over 100 million world-wide!
Founder and CEO of Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC, a leading coaching, training and event company for entrepreneurs who want to increase sales, build wealth, and positively impact the world.
Author of the International Best-Selling book, "Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference". Upon release, it became #1 in 34 categories on Amazon with 50,000 downloads in 3 days, making it the #1 book on All Amazon.
He brings a unique perspective to business because of graduate degrees in three disciplines: Attorney (JD), Business (MBA), Psychology (MS. JV is also a Mensa member and holds multiple certifications in NLP / Hypnosis.
On a lifelong mission to awaken and uplift the consciousness of humanity, JV has the dual role of being the Founder / Principle for both Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC and the 501C3 Global Non-Profit, Conscious World Foundation, Inc.
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At Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC we believe that all success is the result of hard work, developing the right mindset, strategies, and execution, transformational change, education and continued persistence. Our examples given in the video, website, this page, and otherwise should not be considered typical. We never provide a guarantee of your results .We do NOT provide legal, financial, investment, accounting, real estate, or other professional or licensed advice. By using this page and our website or any related materials you agree to take full, 100% responsibility for the risks you take and your own results, or lack thereof, during or after any program in which you may participate.